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Here Is What Our Customers Have To Say

Horsing Around

Welcome to *un-sus-tain-a-ble apparel! Our products highlight the lighter, humorous side of equestrian sports. Whether you are a rider, competitor, or simply the one paying the bills, always remember...Life is too short to be taken seriously. ENJOY THE RIDE!


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How Did We Get Our Name?

*un.sus.tain.a.ble apparel was derived from a simple quote my husband would often recite each time he received a bill for our daughters beloved sport of english riding and her ensuing competitions..."This….is…..not….sustainable.” A quote that many in this industry can relate to and one that both me and my fellow horseshow moms and dads have found to be quite accurate as well as a constant source of humor. And from there, *un.sus.tain.a.ble apparel was born, providing a new and unique line of humorous apparel and merchandise for equestrians of all ages and disciplines to remind us all that “Life is too short to be taken seriously.” Thanks again for sharing our vision!

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